- 2021-05-11
- By Editor
- Posted in Bible Study, Word Study
A Word Study from David Burman, Jr. message on Sunday, May 9, 2021 – Luke 1 – “blessed” “favored”
Go to First Baptist Church Site to listen to the message for content and greater understanding of words used. First Baptist Church – Elyria OH (firstbaptistelyria.org) Use link: Sermons by Series – First Baptist Church – Elyria OH (firstbaptistelyria.org)
Different words used in the ESV – English translations – However, they have slightly different meaning in the Greek Language. The words are also translated in English as different words to reflect the Greek meaning.
Luke 1:28 – 28 And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” ESV LK1v28

The Greek word is “charitoo” – G5487 and LN88.66 (G- Strongs Dict. – LN – Louw-Nida)
S 5487 χαριτόω [charitoo /khar·ee·to·o/] v. From 5485; TDNT 9:372; TDNTA 1298; GK 5923; Two occurrences; AV translates as “be highly favoured” once, and “make accepted” once. 1 to make graceful. 1a charming, lovely, agreeable. 2 to peruse with grace, compass with favour. 3 to honour with blessings.
Note #3 above – To honor with blessings….
LN – 88.66 χαριτόω; χάριςa, ιτος f: to show kindness to someone, with the implication of graciousness on the part of the one showing such kindness—‘to show kindness, to manifest graciousness toward, kindness, graciousness, grace.’
‘the Lord is with you, you to whom (the Lord) has shown kindness’ Lk 1:28; ‘which he has graciously shown us in the one he loves’ Eph 1:6…. ‘he left, being commended by the brothers to the kindness of the Lord’ Ac 15:40.
It is important to note that kindness in English indicates an activity in which an individual is kind to someone; it is essentially an event involving a particular quality. The same is true of χάρις in Ac 15:40, for this is not a mere gracious disposition, but an expectation of the Lord’s showing kindness.
Luke 1:42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! Lk1:42

The Greek word “eulogeo” is used – sense: “to be blessed” (state)
S 2127 εὐλογέω, κατευλογέω [eulogeo /yoo·log·eh·o/] v. From a compound of 2095 and 3056; TDNT 2:754; TDNTA 275; GK 2328 and 2986; 44 occurrences; AV translates as “bless” 43 times, and “praise” once. 1 to praise, celebrate with praises. 2 to invoke blessings. 3 to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers. 3a to ask God’s blessing on a thing. 3b pray God to bless it to one’s use. 3c pronounce a consecratory blessing on. 4 of God. 4a to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on. 4b favoured of God, blessed.
LN 33.470 εὐλογέωb; εὐλογίαc, ας f; κατευλογέω: to ask God to bestow divine favor on, with the implication that the verbal act itself constitutes a significant benefit—‘to bless, blessing.’‘bless those who persecute you’ Ro 12:14. ‘from the same mouth come blessing and cursing’ Jas 3:10. …‘he placed his hands on them and blessed them’ Mk 10:16.
In a number of languages the closest equivalent of ‘to bless’ is ‘to pray God on behalf of’ or ‘to ask God to do something good for.’
Luke 1:48 – for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; Lk1:48

The Greek word “makarizo” is used.
S3106 μακαρίζω [makarizo /mak·ar·id·zo/] v. From 3107; TDNT 4:362; TDNTA 548; GK 3420; Two occurrences; AV translates as “call blessed” once, and “count happy” once. 1 to pronounce blessed.
LN25.120 μακαρίζω: to regard someone as happy or fortunate in view of favorable circumstances—‘to regard as happy, to regard as fortunate.’ ‘we regard as fortunate those who have endured’ Jas 5:11; ‘all generations of people will regard me as fortunate’ Lk 1:48.
Luke 1:68 – 68 “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people Lk1:68

The Greek Word “eulogetos” is used here – A form (derivative) used in verse 42 above…
Strongs 2128 εὐλογητός [eulogetos /yoo·log·ay·tos/] adj. From 2127; TDNT 2:764; TDNTA 275; GK 2329; Eight occurrences; AV translates as “blessed (said of God)” eight times. 1 blessed, praised.
LN 33.362 εὐλογητός, ή, όν: (derivative of εὐλογέωa ‘to praise,’ 33.356) pertaining to being worthy of praise or commendation—‘one to be praised.’ ‘are you the Messiah, the Son of the One who should be praised?’ Mk 14:61.
We are blessed when we are living in the will of God. We are blessed to be one of God’s children.
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