A Ministry of First Baptist Church Elyria OH

     First Baptist Church - Elyria, Ohio
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Scripture references:
Acts 18:2, 18, 26; Romans 16:3
1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19



About a.d. 50


Aquila [AK-wh-luh; “eagle”]


He and his wife Priscilla were close friends and coworkers of the apostle Paul.




The Revell Bible Dictionary provides a good summary of Aquila’s life and times.

Acts 18identifies Aquila as a Jew. Like other Jews living outside of Palestine, he and his wife adopted Roman names in addition to their Jewish names, which are not given in Scripture. Expelled from Rome by edict of the Emperor Claudius (about a.d. 49), they settled in Corinth. Paul, who shared their trade of tent making (that is, leather working), stayed with Aquila and Priscilla there.

Aquila was apparently well off: he owned property, and the couple was free to travel with Paul to Ephesus (Acts 18:24–26). According to 1 Cor. 16:19, a house-church was established in their home. Later, after Claudius’s edict expelling Jews was revoked in a.d. 54, the couple apparently returned to Rome and became leaders of the Christian community there (Rom. 16:3–5a) (p. 80).

What is perhaps most fascinating about references to Aquila in the New Testament is that in each case his wife is mentioned with him, and in half the references Priscilla is named first. What an appropriate reminder that in ministry as in life husbands and wives are to be partners, and that in some partnerships the wife’s gifts may be greater than those of her husband.


We know little about Aquila. Yet we know enough to view him as an example for Christians today.

•     Aquila was a businessman who used the flexibility of business ownership to minister. Aquila provided work for the apostle Paul. Aquila and his wife relocated to Ephesus to be part of Paul’s missionary team. Aquila is a good example of a person who sees ministry rather than profit as his objective, and who uses his business to create opportunities to serve God.

•     Aquila was a husband who was not threatened by having a wife with gifts and abilities that may have exceeded his own. Their partnership in life and ministry challenges every man to reevaluate his attitude toward
women and especially toward his spouse.



[1]Richards, L. (1999). Every man in the Bible (213). Nashville: T. Nelson.